This blog contains my postings which I had been making from time to time on Yahoo! 360.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Brief History of Temple of Solomon/al-Aqsa Mosque

Israelites migrated from Egypt, in the leadership of Moses (PBUH), about 1300 years BC. While they were in Sinai, God ordered them to occupy Canaan (called Palestine later). All refused due to their cowardice, except a few. After about 40 years, they accomplished God’s order, and occupied a large portion of Canaan in their jihad, under the Caliphate of Joshua. Thus the ancient state of Israel came into being. The founders of this state were persons like Moses (PBUH) and Joshua. This is the first state of the known history, which came into being on the basis of la ilaha illalaah (there is no deity/god except God). Israel was the title of Jacob (PBUH). As this country was given to the progeny of Jacob, so it was called Israel. This is the state headed by great people like Saul, David (PBUH) and Solomon (PBUH).
David (PBUH) started building principal place of worship in Jerusalem in his era. Places dedicated for the worship of God are called Mosque, in Mohammedan (Islamic) tradition. This mosque or temple was completed by Solomon (PBUH) about 950 BC. It was called Temple of Solomon. When Jews started disobeying God and broke their covenant with God, God decided to punish them. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon captured Jerusalem, turned Israelites into slaves and destroyed the Temple of Solomon. A revivalist movement began in Israelites, and they succeeded to get their old dearly position in the Eyes of God, and were returned back. They constructed the Temple again. After some time Jews against rebelled against God. Even they began killing prophets and conspired to kill Jesus Christ (PBUH). God punished them again. Romans captured Jerusalem, Temple was destroyed and Israelites were forced to leave their Holy city Jerusalem. Only Wailing Wall was saved from destruction. As Temple is the most sacred shrine of Jews, they have a great longing to rebuild it.
As Jews, Christians and Muslims are from the same religious tradition, i.e. Abrahamic tradition, it is sacred for all of them. It is its sanctity that Last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH) had a miraculous night journey to it. God says in Surah Isra:
Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).
God called the Temple by “the farthest Mosque” (Masjid il aqsa), which is not a proper noun. Temple was called “the farthest Mosque”, as it is more than 1000 kilometres from Mecca. After it, Muslim started calling the Temple, al-Aqsa Mosque.
When Caliph Umer occupied Jerusalem, the Temple was in a state of ruins. Umer (RA) did not build any mosque, rather specified some area for prayer in it Southern part after consultation with a Jew Rabbi. Umayyad King Abdul Malik (which is not known to be a good person in history) built a mosque at this place. As this mosque was built in the same site, Muslims started calling it al-Aqsa Mosque, instead of the Temple. O it was not the shrine visited by the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Abdul Malik also built a dome over the Holy Rock of Jews. This rock is called Dome of Rock. Many Muslims believe it to be al-Aqsa Mosque, as their leaders and media misguide these Muslims.
Muslims of these days consider the mosque built by King Abdul Malik and the Dome of Rock to be sacred, as their religious and political leaders have totally mislead them. So when fundamental Jews express their desire to rebuild the Temple, which is their right, Muslims take it as a conspiracy against Islam and Muslims. So they are ready to obstruct rebuilding of the Temple. Muslim political and religious leaders have gone so far to conceal the truth that they claim that the site of the Temple is different from that of al-Aqsa Mosque. They claim that al-Aqsa Mosque and the Temple are two different shrines. They conceal the fact and conceal them while they know the fact in their hearts. Quran says (al-Baqara: 42):
And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is).
Muslims are concealing truth, and are concealing in spite of the fact that Quran orders them not to do so. They are causing bloodshed between Jew and Muslim brothers.
Saturday November 5, 2005 - 08:14am

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