This blog contains my postings which I had been making from time to time on Yahoo! 360.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ideological Status of Pakistan

Some people in Pakistan maintain that the Father of Nation, Quid-e-Azam had no intention to make Pakistan an Islamic country. In the light of Quid-e-Azam’s address to the constituent assembly on August 11, 1947, they argue that Quid wished Pakistan to be a secular state. Geo Television’s effort in case of Hudood Ordinance was wonderful in this respect that through dialogue, it contributed to present viewpoint of different people before masses. Ideological status of Pakistan is yet another important issue. Here is a letter that can be sent to “Zara Sochiay”, Geo through email, to ask them to arrange similar debate in this respect:
Dear Sir:
Geo TV’s effort to present different viewpoints regarding Hudood Ordinance was wonderful. The ideological status of Pakistan is yet another important issue, which must be dealt by Geo in the same manner. I request you to arrange similar programmes on this issue, which must address these questions:
Did Qauid-e-Azam intend Pakistan to be an Islamic state or a secular one?
Are Pakistanis bound to accomplish what Qauid intended? Or they may decide contrary to what Qauid wished?
How can Muslims neglect the following injunctions of Quran, which are explicit in this respect that they deny Muslims to be secular, as they maintain that Muslims must incorporate God’s commandments in the affairs of their state:
Have you not turned your vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to them and to those before them? Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their disputes) to Taghoot, though they were ordered to reject Taghoot. But Satan's wish is to lead them astray far away (from the right). When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah has revealed, and to the Messenger", you see the hypocrites avert their faces from you in disgust. (4: 60,61)
… and those who do not command by (the light of) what Allah has revealed, are unbelievers. (5:44)
… and those who do not command by (the light of) what Allah has revealed, are wrong-doers. (5:45)
… and those who do not command by (the light of) what Allah has revealed, are rebels. (5:47)
[Your Name]
Please click here to send email to Geo TV. (Please copy and paste the message above).

Tuesday August 15, 2006 - 07:59am

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